Monday, June 28, 2010

The office and the office mascot.

A few pics of my office and our lovely companion, Basil. What a gem, he is! Our office is really beautiful and I love where it's situated, even if it is a bit of a trek from any of our agencies' offices (which are located in the heart of downtown). But let's be serious - downtown Welly is not the urban jungle that Toronto is and nothing is really all that far away (including trails, beaches, mountains, etc). Kinda nice to have a change of pace.

Busy day ahead of me. Have already started working on comms strategies for some of the conservation programs and am meeting with the terrestrial/species team (aka person) today to review the programs he's working on. Looking forward to learning more about that. Did you know that the only two native mammals to New Zealand are a species of bat?! There was a third species (of bat!) but it went extinct about a decade ago. The basic rule is that if it walks on four legs and it's furry, then it's an invasive species, and apparently there are a lot of them (deer, rabbits, possums, rats). Many of these were introduced for hunting purposes. Silly humans....
Will share more once I am wiser on the issues :)


  1. The last two pics were taken on my way to work. A 15 minute (completely vertical) walk. Who needs a gym?!

  2. The kitty is so cute!!! I won't tell Tonka, don't want to get jealous. hee hee hee. Your home looks so cute and the view is AMAZING!!! xoxo

  3. He is pretty darn cute. Comes and goes as he pleases. He is a kitty harnessing the vagabond spirit!
    Yesterday, he got quite pushy and decided to take a nap in my lap for 45 minutes (not that I minded). He's no replacement for my love-muffin but he's a close second.
